雅思100句 (31 ~ 40)
He wanted to give people a feeling of suspense as they see the building first from a distance, and then close-up, and the shape of the building as a whole was that of a box.
The reason often given for the low regard in which semll is held is that, in comparision with its importance among animals, the human sense of smell is feeble and undeveloped.
Some of you suggested an Italian restaurant, but I must confess that I decided to book a Lebanese one, as we have plenty of opportunities to go to an Italian restaurant at home.
As these ancestral trotoises settled on the indivedual islands, the different populations adapted to their unique environments, giving rise to at leat 14different subspecies.
The continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals for the control of pests which pose a threat to agricultureal crops and human health is proving to be counter-productive.
Both socal and cognitive types of laughter tap into the same expressive machinery in ours brains, the emotion and motor circuits that produce smiles and exited vocalisations.
Opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality.
Natural soil fertility is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrail fertilizer and pesticide use, while the growth of algae is increasing in lakes becuase of the fertilizer run-off.
Within the span of serveral centuries, the Lapita stretched the boundaries of their world from the jungled-clad volcanoes of Papua New Guinea to the loneliest coral outliers of Tonga.
Multiplan insurance may not cover all pre-existing medical onditions, so before you leave be sure to check with them about any long-term illnesses or disabilities that you have.